The Burdekin River becomes perennial close to its headwaters, near the McBride Basalt Province. The McBride and Nulla basalt provinces contain groundwater resources that support domestic and stock water use, and minor irrigation. They also support groundwater-dependent ecosystems and contribute baseflow to the Burdekin River and its tributaries. An enhanced understanding of groundwater systems within these basalt provinces will assist in managing increased demand for groundwater resources in the area.
The geometry of lava emplacement strongly influences groundwater flow regimes within each basalt province. The McBride Basalt Province is approximately circular in plan, with regional groundwater flow radially from the central high-elevation areas towards the province boundary. In the elongated Nulla Basalt Province, groundwater generally flows eastwards from the elevated areas in the west toward the province boundary. Groundwater levels have been declining since 2011 in both provinces following major flooding in Queensland during the 2010-11 La Niña weather event. This indicates that the monitoring period for this project covers a small fraction of a much longer dynamic groundwater system.
The groundwater systems of the McBride and Nulla basalt provinces are mostly unconfined and hydraulically disconnected from underlying Paleozoic-Proterozoic basement rocks. These may act as a connected system across the province, and some local-scale variations may separate groundwater flowpaths.
Natural groundwater discharge from the basalt aquifers occurs via springs, spring-fed creeks and direct aquifer discharge. This provides a reliable input to the Burdekin River and supports a variety of groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
Key findings include:
Project collaborators included:
During the project, data acquisition included: